Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to train for a race with a busy schedule {BONUS: Part 4}

I'm here to help motivate, organize your schedule, give guidance and support for your first race. Especially for those with busy schedules.

Are you ready for the BONUS round? It's all about how your fuel your body with nutrition.

If you are stumbling upon this post it is from a series. {Check out Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3}

Nutrition is a vital part of your race training process. You must fuel your body with important nutrients your body needs. As most of us know, we need water, protein and carbohydrates for energy (macro nutrients). However, our bodies need electrolytes, fiber, vitamins (micro nutrients) too!

I love a good salad!!!
Roast Beef with homemade honey mustard vinegarette (see video below)
Lemon grilled aspargus
Cherry Tomatoes
Sliced Cucumers
Red leaf lettuce

Getting the proper nutrition while running will help with:
1. Prvention of Injuries
2. Energy level to sustain longer runs
3. Muscle strength

Think of it like this...If you put garbage into your system, garbage will come out. Have you ever felt sluggish, unfocused and lethargic and eaten a candy bar? It helps for a little bit right?  But then your hungry and back to where you started.

Here is what I eat to prepare for my run days:

Night before:
Eat a small handfull of carbs (like Wheat Thins) and protein with a large salad and veggies
Here is a video of my homemade salad dressing: (click on photo)

Morning before Run:
Pre-workout drink (energize from Beachbody)
8 oz. water

During run:
Quest bar

After run:
After-workout drink (Recover from Beachbody)
Omlete with sweet peppers
1 cup of fruit

Tell me what are you eating and drinking before, during and after your runs?

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